
Is there a way to dynamically import Python objects?

I'm trying to make a command handler, here's some code:

from importlib import import_module  from os import path, listdir    client.commands = [] # where the commands are stored  directory = '.\\src\\exec\\files'  for command in listdir(directory):      filepath = path.join(directory, filename)      if path.isdir(filepath) and 'lib' not in filepath: # check if file is a directory          log_commands(directory=filepath) # make recursive logging        elif filename.endswith('.py'):          command_name = filename.split('\\')[-1]          module_name = devutils.filepath2module(filepath, True, True) # convert file path to module path          client_utils.commands[command_name] = import_module(module_name) # puts module in a new item  

The code works fine, but the import_module function imports only the entire function. I was wondering if there's some library that imports specific objects from the module, like:

from module import object  

But in a dynamic way, I searched a little bit and couldn't find anything. (Sorry for bad english)

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65839170/is-there-a-way-to-dynamically-import-python-objects January 22, 2021 at 12:08PM

