
Invoke, BeginInvoke / EndInvoke or InvokeAsync? what to use when and why?

In reference to using PowerShell in VB or C# via System.Management.Automation

I know that Invoke runs synchronously, and using BeginInvoke / EndInvoke means you can do same thing asynchronously.

But I noticed today that there is also InvokeAsync

Can anyone explain to me the benefit of using this over the other methods and if there is a particular method I should be using?

Most examples I see use Invoke for basic commands and BeginInvoke / EndInvoke for longer running tasks.

Just want to learn best approach and have an understanding of what to use when as can't find much documentation on InvokeAsync like I could the others.

update: Quick examples below of same code using Invoke or BeginInvoke/EndInvoke


    Dim powershell As PowerShell = PowerShell.Create()      powershell.AddCommand("Get-Process")        Dim results = powershell.BeginInvoke       Do While results.IsCompleted = False                ' wait whilst command completes        Loop          For Each result As PSObject In powershell.EndInvoke(results)          UpdateTextBox("Process Name: " & result.Members("ProcessName").Value & " Process ID: " & result.Members("Id").Value & vbCrLf)        Next result  


   Dim powershell As PowerShell = PowerShell.Create()      powershell.AddCommand("Get-Process")        Dim results = powershell.Invoke          For Each result As PSObject In results            UpdateTextBox("Process Name: " & result.Members("ProcessName").Value & " Process ID: " & result.Members("Id").Value & vbCrLf)        Next result  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65782665/invoke-begininvoke-endinvoke-or-invokeasync-what-to-use-when-and-why January 19, 2021 at 06:03AM

