
I can't view the picture in the firebase storage

my get code

` getImage = async (imageUrl) => {      const user = firebase.auth().currentUser;      const url = await storage()          .ref(`Users/${user.uid}/picture`)          .getDownloadURL()      console.log(url)      imageUrl = url;      let imgSource = { uri: imageUrl }; // change this line      if (isNaN(imageUrl)) {        imgSource = { uri: this.state.imageUrl };        if (Platform.OS == 'android') {          imgSource.uri = "file:///" + imgSource.uri;        }      }        }        render() {        let {imageUrl} = this.state;        return (          <View>               <Image source={this.getImage(imageUrl)} style=/>           </View>  

` console screenshot I can get the url from my console but the picture is not showing in my app, what's the problem

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65745513/i-cant-view-the-picture-in-the-firebase-storage January 16, 2021 at 09:04AM

