
How to search and Replace multiline string inside big multiline string in javascript

i am using fs module to write and read file

I have a big js file with code that I have converted to a string. I want to edit the contents of this file and replace the following lines of code:

};  export default unidentifiedClassName;  const unidentifiedClassName = {     

I am using js replace to edit string. Is there any way I can edit this multiline code since I cannot replace it?

let unnecessaryCode = `};  export default unidentifiedClassName;  const unidentifiedClassName = {`;     modifiedCode = modifiedCode.replace(new RegExp(unnecessaryCode, 'gm'), '#');    console.log(modifiedCode);  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65855682/how-to-search-and-replace-multiline-string-inside-big-multiline-string-in-javasc January 23, 2021 at 12:18PM

