
How to round up items in a list to two decimal places and prompt user the same question if item in list out of range?

I'm trying to make a code that:

  • takes in user input for xyz coordinate on planet earth
  • takes in how many teleportation stations they need to get to another planet
  • takes in user input for xyz coordinate for each teleportation station

I'm struggling to:

  • make a code that only accepts and prints the user input to 2 decimal places-let's say one of my coordinates were >>1 2.23 2.235, the output only seems to give 2.23 instead of 2.24.
  • ensure that the coordinates are between -10000 and 10000 and that the number of teleportation stations are only between 1 and 2000
  • make the code re-prompt the user input if the input is out of range
  • only enter 3 values in each input

The more I try to fix it, the more I get confused and longer the code gets.

This is my code so far:

def earth_coordinates():      earthCo = (map(float, input("Please enter your coordinates on Earth: ").split()))      for index in earthCo:          if index < -10000.00 or index > 10000.00:              print("Out of range, try again")              earth_coordinates()          else:              number_of_TPS()              break                def number_of_TPS():      N = int(input("Enter how many teleportation stations: "))      if N not in range(1,2000):          print('Coordinate values are out of range, they must be within 1 and 2000')          number_of_TPS()      else:          #break          for x in range(0, N):              stationCo = (map(float, input("Enter station coordinate: ").split()))              stationCo2d = [round(elem, 3) for elem in stationCo]              #for float(coordinate) in stationCo:                  #if coordinate < -10000.00 or x > 10000.00:              listofallinput.extend(stationCo2d)              listofallinput.sort()          print(listofallinput)                  #else:                      #print("Out of range, try again")                      #number_of_TPS()        earth_coordinates()                                
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65820237/how-to-round-up-items-in-a-list-to-two-decimal-places-and-prompt-user-the-same-q January 21, 2021 at 10:07AM

