
How to get name of test case instead of conftest.py method in each log

I am running tests using python, selenium and pytest framework with page object models.

As of now, I have created a logger function in my BaseClass, and every test class inherits this function.,

So, in a test case, if I want to log something, I have to create a log object using below code in each test case, and then call methods on log. I am trying to abstract away this object creation step from each and every test case.

Reproducible Test case as follows:

from baseclass import BaseClass    class test_module(BaseClass):        def test_case1(self):          log = self.logger()          log.info('testing log!')  

I tried to abstract the logger function into my conftest.py in setup function, calling the method and creating an object, and then returning this logger object using request.cls, but when I run the logs, I get the file name as setup instead of the test case name.

2021-01-27 05:42:42,377 : INFO : setup : testing log!

My conftest.py is setup as follows:

import pytest  from selenium import webdriver  import inspect  import logging      def logger():      name = inspect.stack()[1][3]      log_item = logging.getLogger(name)      with open('LogFile.log', 'w+') as logFile:          logFile.seek(0)          logFile.truncate()      file_handler = logging.FileHandler("LogFile.log")      log_format = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(name)s : %(message)s")      file_handler.setFormatter(log_format)      log_item.addHandler(file_handler)      log_item.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)      return log_item    @pytest.fixture(scope='class')  def setup(request):        driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=TestData.CHROME)      log = logger()      request.cls.driver = driver      request.cls.log = log      yield      driver.close()  

I actually want to get the name of the test being performed. Like below:

2021-01-27 01:57:02,594 : INFO : test_case1 : testing log!

How can I get the logger method to print the name of the test case without moving the method back to BaseClass? Or, how can I best abstract away the object creation step from each test case? I am about to write a lot of test cases, and trying to find a better way as it's repetitive to create a logger object in each test case.

My BaseClass is as below:

import pytest    @pytest.mark.usefixtures('setup')  class BaseClass:      """      Base class for all Test classes      This class creates the necessary variables that a Test objects needs to      work, and so, it must be inherited by all of them.      """      pass  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65911522/how-to-get-name-of-test-case-instead-of-conftest-py-method-in-each-log January 27, 2021 at 09:07AM

