
How do I access the value from a QLineEdit in PyQt5?

How do I get and store the value that is written in a QLineEdit as well as close the widget after I click save? I have looked over the PyQt5 documentation and it says the function .text() will give access to the values in a QLineEdit but for some reason the value I keep getting is the default empty string. Any help in finding out what I am missing is appreciated. Thanks

class ImageSettingsWindow(QWidget):      def __init__(self):          super().__init__()          layout = QVBoxLayout()          self.setWindowTitle("Image Settings")          self.setFixedWidth(250)          self.setFixedHeight(300)            allImg_checkBox = QCheckBox("All Images")          lastImg_checkBox = QCheckBox("Last Image")          timedImgs_checkBox = QCheckBox("Timed Images")          start_label = QLabel("Start Duration:")          txt_start = QLineEdit()          self.data_start = txt_start.ui.text()          end_label = QLabel("End Duration:")          txt_end = QLineEdit()          self.data_end = txt_end.ui.text()          timeInt_label = QLabel("Time Interval:")          txt_timeInt = QLineEdit()          self.data_timeint = txt_timeInt.ui.text()          maxDiff_label = QLabel("Max Difference:")          txt_maxDiff = QLineEdit()          self.data_maxdiff = txt_maxDiff.ui.txt()          buttonSave = QPushButton("Save")            layout.addWidget(allImg_checkBox)          layout.addWidget(lastImg_checkBox)          layout.addWidget(timedImgs_checkBox)          layout.addWidget(start_label)          layout.addWidget(txt_start)          layout.addWidget(end_label)          layout.addWidget(txt_end)          layout.addWidget(timeInt_label)          layout.addWidget(txt_timeInt)          layout.addWidget(maxDiff_label)          layout.addWidget(txt_maxDiff)          layout.addWidget(buttonSave)                  print(self.data_start)          self.setLayout(layout)            buttonSave.clicked.connect(self.clickedSave)                def clickedSave(self):          #data_start = self.          print("button")          try:              json_image = open("config/image.json","r")              param = json.load(json_image)              json_image.close()              param["start_duration"] = int(self.data_start)              param["end_duration"] = int(self.data_end)              param["time_interval"] = float(self.data_timeint)              param["max_diff"] = int(self.data_maxdiff)                json_image = open("config/image.json", "w")              json.dump(param,json_image)              json_image.close()            except IOError as err :              print("Error writing the image.json file , please double check")  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65802112/how-do-i-access-the-value-from-a-qlineedit-in-pyqt5 January 20, 2021 at 10:07AM

