
How can I fix it for working ? Syntax error on token "readyDB", AnnotationName expected after this token

private static void readyDB() {                  request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");                  Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");                  conn = DriverManager.getConnection                      ("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/loginform?"+ "serverTimezone=Asia/Seoul","root","1234");              }  

Multiple annotations found at this line: - Syntax error on token "readyDB", AnnotationName expected after this token - Syntax error on token "readyDB", AnnotationName expected after this token

this is error text Here is all code .. also this file is jsp file

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"      pageEncoding="UTF-8"    import="java.sql.*"%>  <!DOCTYPE html>  <html>  <head>  <meta charset="UTF-8">  <title>just a moment, please</title>  </head>  <body>      <%!          String id, pw, pwc, name, hbd, sex, email, phone, sql;          String ID, PW, PWC, NAME, HBD, SEX, EMAIL,  PHONE;          Connection conn;          PreparedStatement ps;          ResultSet rs;      %>      <%!                    private static void Registration_Identify(){              try {                  if(!request.getParameter("id").equals(null)){                      id=request.getParameter("id");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("pw").equals(null)){                      pw=request.getParameter("pw");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("pwc").equals(null)){                      pwc=request.getParameter("pwc");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("name").equals(null)){                      name=request.getParameter("name");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("hbd").equals(null)){                      hbd=request.getParameter("hbd");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("sex").equals(null)){                      sex=request.getParameter("sex");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("email").equals(null)){                      email=request.getParameter("email");                  }                  if(!request.getParameter("phone").equals(null)){                      phone=request.getParameter("phone");                  } else {                      out.println("Error");                      System.out.println("Error");                  }                 } catch(Exception e){                                }      %>      <%!              private static void readyDB() {                  request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");                  Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");                  conn = DriverManager.getConnection                      ("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/loginform?"+ "serverTimezone=Asia/Seoul","root","1234");              }      %>              <%          Registration_Identify();          readyDB();                            ps=conn.prepareStatement("select * from member where phone='"+phone+"'");              rs=ps.executeQuery();                                          if(!rs.next()) {                  /*                      if (id.equals(""))    out.println("Please fill in the blanks ID for membership registration");                      if (pw.equals(""))    out.println("Please fill in the blanks Password for membership registration=");                      if (pwc.equals(""))   out.println("Please fill in the blanks Password Confirm for membership registration");                      if (name.equals(""))  out.println("Please fill in the blanks Name for membership registration");                      if (hbd.equals(""))   out.println("Please fill in the blanks Birthday for membership registration");                      if (sex.equals(""))   out.println("Please fill in the blanks Sex for membership registration");                      if (email.equals("")) out.println("Please fill in the blanks Email for membership registration");                      if (phone.equals("")) out.println("Please fill in the blanks Phone for membership registration");                      */                if(id.equals("")||pw.equals("")||pwc.equals("")||name.equals("")||                  hbd.equals("")||sex.equals("")||email.equals("")||phone.equals("")) {                    out.println("Please fill in all the blanks for membership registration");                    %>                      <form action="signup.jsp" method="post">                          <input type="submit" value="back" />                      </form>                      <%                }                     else {                      ps = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO member(id,pw,pwc,name,hbd,sex,email,phone) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");                      ps.setString(1, id);                       ps.setString(2, pw);                       ps.setString(3, pwc);                       ps.setString(4, name);                       ps.setString(5, hbd);                       ps.setString(6, sex);                       ps.setString(7, email);                       ps.setString(8, phone);                                                                   int x=ps.executeUpdate();                      if(x > 0) {                          System.out.println("Regisration done sucessfully...");                          %>                          <h2>please check your information</h2><br>                          <p>ID: <%= id %></p>                          <p>Password: <%= pw %></p>                          <p>Password confirm: <%= pwc %></p>                          <p>Name: <%= name %></p>                          <p>Birth day: <%= hbd %></p>                          <p>Sex: <%= sex %></p>                          <p>Email: <%= email %></p>                          <p>Phone(only number): <%= phone %></p>                                                     <form action="login.jsp" method="post">                              <input type="submit" value="Log in" />                          </form>                           <%                      } else {                          System.out.println("Regisration Faild...");                      }                  }                                } else {                  ID=rs.getString("id");                  PW=rs.getString("pw");                  PWC=rs.getString("pwc");                  NAME=rs.getString("name");                  HBD=rs.getString("hbd");                  SEX=rs.getString("sex");                  EMAIL=rs.getString("email");                  PHONE=rs.getString("phone");                  if(id.equals(ID)){                      out.println("<br>This ID already exists.");                  } if(pw.equals(pwc)){                      out.println("<br>Password is not coincide.");                  } if(phone.equals(PHONE)){                      out.println("<br>This Phone number already exists.");                  }                      %>                      <form action="signup.jsp" method="post">                          <input type="submit" value="back" />                      </form>                      <%              }                                  } catch(Exception e) {              System.out.println(e);          } finally{                    }      %>                              </body>  </html>  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65895296/how-can-i-fix-it-for-working-syntax-error-on-token-readydb-annotationname-e January 26, 2021 at 10:55AM

