
How can i copy this cells as this order?

i have a lot of data and need to put it like this example . I have two column A , B and need to copy A1 in Column C with value in B2 with the rest of column B which will have 10 value .. then repeat this like follow

A   B    C     D   21  2    A1    B2   3  12    A1    B3  23  5    A1    B4   3   6    A1    B5   7   8    A1    B6  56  9    A1    B7  45  54   A1    B8  45  4    A1    B9  4   7    A1    B10  5   6    A2    B3  55  5    A2    B4  56  8    A2    B5  5   9    A2    B6    3   2    A2    B7  23  24   A2    B8  23  5    A2    B9  78  7    A2    B10  

Can i do this with excel ?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65837778/how-can-i-copy-this-cells-as-this-order January 22, 2021 at 08:36AM

