This is my DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'uid': [109200005, 108200056, 109200060, 108200085, 108200022], 'grades': [69.233627, 70.130900, 83.357011, 88.206387, 74.342212]})
This is my condition list which comes from another DataFrame
condition_list = [109200005, 108200085]
I use this code to filter records that meet the condition
idx_list = [] for i in condition_list: idx_list.append(df[df['uid']==i].index.values[0])
and get what I need
>>> df.iloc[idx_list] uid grades 0 109200005 69.233627 3 108200085 88.206387
Job is done. I'd just like to know is there a simpler way to do the job? January 21, 2021 at 11:02AM