
Fibonacci Function in RISC V

Implementing the fibonacci function using RISC - V, so that f(0) = 0 , f(1) = 1, ..., up to f(47). My output matches everything up to 46. But when i try to calculate f(47) i get: -1323752223.
Here's the output:Output from Code below with n=47

Is there some sort of Overflow because i get a negative Integer value? Where should i look into to try and fix the error?

.data      n:  .word 47  .text  .globl main    main:                li x2, 0                # Used to determine if n (x7) equals 0              li x3, 1                # Used to determine if n (x7) equals 1              li x5, 0                # First number              li x6, 1                # Second number              lw x7, n                # Limit              li x8, 1                # Counter              beq x7, x2, DO          # If n == 0 then jump to DO (Which shoud print 0). Implements f(0) = 0              beq x7, x3, WRITE       # if n == 1 then jump to WRITE (Which should print 1). Implements f(1) = 1          LOOP:   beq x8, x7, EXIT        # Comparse the counter x8 which starts with 1 to n (limit). If x8 == x7 jump to EXIT              add x4, x5, x6          # Add x5 to x6 and store in x4                        ori x5, x6, 0           # Assign the second number to my first number              ori x6, x4, 0           # Assign the sum of x5 and x6 to my second number              addi x8, x8, 1          # Add 1 to my counter              j LOOP                  # Jump to loop        EXIT:                 li x17, 1               # Load constant 1 to x17              add x10,x4,x0           # Add x4 (which contains the result after the above coe) to x10              ecall                   # Issue an SystemCall which prints an integer (Because of the 1 in x17)              li x17, 5                                                 ecall              li x17, 10                    ecall                   # Reads an int from input console (Because of the 10 in x17)      DO:                 li x4, 0                # load 0 in x10 (x10 will be used by the SysCall to print) and print                          add x10,x4,x0                     li x17, 1              ecall                 li x17, 5              ecall              li x17, 10              ecall            WRITE:  li x4, 1                # load 1 in x10 and print              add x10,x4,x0              li x17,1              ecall              li x17, 5              ecall              li x17, 10              ecall  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65753763/fibonacci-function-in-risc-v January 17, 2021 at 03:26AM

