why is this listbox not returning my selection? I added the returnSelected() function with a button thinking that it needed to be triggered. My goal is to create as simple a possible function that a user can select a reduced list, and I am clearly not understanding the tkinter flow.
import tkinter def listboxinput3(): # <ListboxSelect> callback function and current selection def cb(event): label['text'] = str(event) + '\n' + str(lb.curselection()) def returnSelected(): myselection = [my_list[k] for k in lb.curselection()] print(myselection ) root = tkinter.Tk() root.title('Parameter Selection') root.geometry('200x600') my_list = dir(tkinter) var = tkinter.StringVar(value=my_list) label = tkinter.Label(root) label.grid() btnGet = tkinter.Button(root,text="Get Selection",command=returnSelected) btnGet.grid() lb = tkinter.Listbox(root, listvariable=var, selectmode='extended') lb.grid() lb.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', cb) #tkinter.Button(root, text="Show Selected", command=returnSelected).pack() selected_text_list = [lb.get(i) for i in lb.curselection()] root.mainloop() return selected_text_list selected_text_list = listboxinput3()
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65819932/empty-listbox-return-values-with-python-3-7-tkinter January 21, 2021 at 09:23AM