
DynamicSupervisor's init children are not stopping even after the work in complete Elixir

I have this GenServer which is adding a child as a worker.

  def handle_info(:request, state) do      schedule_fetch_call(state.sleep)      ping_time_state = Map.put(state, :running, %{datetime: DateTime.utc_now()})      DynamicSupervisor.start_child(General.Supervisor, {Recording.Worker, ping_time_state})      {:noreply, ping_time_state}    end  

and In Recording.Worker I am doing this.

    defmodule Recording.Worker do        use GenServer, restart: :transient              def start_link(state),          do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, state)              def init(state) do          send(self(), :fetch_and_process)          {:ok, state}        end              def handle_info(:fetch_and_process, state) do          case make_jpeg_request(state.camera, state.running.datetime) do            {:failed, _requested_at} ->              {:noreply, state}            {body, requested_at} ->              %{datetime: requested_at}              |> put_it_in_jpeg_bank(state.camera.name)              # save_it_to_weed              requested_at              |> Calendar.strftime("#{state.camera.name}/snapshots/%Y/%m/%d/%H_%M_%S.jpg")              |> Everjamer.post("http://localhost:8888/", body)              #this part is broadcaster.              Broadcasting.any_one_wacthing?(state.camera.name)              |> Broadcasting.stream(state.camera.name, body, requested_at)              {:stop, :normal, state}          end        end     end  

now even after the work is done and complete, Everjamer.post and Broadcasting.stream have done its work. the Phoenix Live Dashboard continues to show them in Process.

enter image description here

Is there any way to stop this behaviour? So when the work is done it just stop and end itself?

Or even in case of {:failed, re...} what would be the suggested way to just turn this child process off so it won't appear in the process?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65535923/dynamicsupervisors-init-children-are-not-stopping-even-after-the-work-in-comple January 02, 2021 at 12:05PM

