
DOSKEY macros break prompts (SET /P) of batch scripts, when run from within Windows CMD shell

Yes, it's 2021 and I'm still using the CMD shell and batch scripts for simple tasks. I just recently tried to enhance my workflow by auto-running my own init-script for (each) CMD prompt session, which also includes setting a bunch of DOSKEY macros.

So this is a similar setup to what others have done. [1]

After having a weird issue with a new script, I came to realize, that DOSKEY macros can break interactive prompts in a batch script using the "SET /P"-command, when executed from such a modified shell with active macros.

Try something like this (enter text shown between [] at prompt + press <enter>):

@ECHO OFF  DOSKEY print=ECHO $*  SET /P var=Enter [print Hallo]:  ECHO var: %var%  EXIT /B 0  

You will see, that the prompt variable holds the command prompt created by the DOSKEY macro ('ECHO Hallo').

Normally DOSKEY is not supposed to work/be available from within a batch file [2][3], as it only works on interactive prompts [4]. But "SET /P" seems to count as an interactive shell so DOSKEY replaces everything entered, that begins with a defined macro keyword.

Well, this seems like a bug to me (DOSKEY is now 30 years old btw [6]), but I couldn't find anything on the web about this issue. So, I was thinking how to workaround this. As macros cannot be easily deactivated/removed [5], it would be cumbersome to fix this from within any batch file, that does prompts.

My init-script also only runs for interactive sessions, so it isn't a problem, when you run a batch-script directly (on its own).

Tested on a machine with 'Windows 7 Home Premium SP1'.


  1. https://gist.github.com/steve-jansen/5118149
  2. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/doskey
  3. https://ss64.com/nt/doskey.html
  4. https://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1937#p8379
  5. How to remove a doskey macro?
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOSKEY
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65856576/doskey-macros-break-prompts-set-p-of-batch-scripts-when-run-from-within-wind January 23, 2021 at 02:54PM

