I am trying to make correlation matrix from a text files what I have. I want to get the correlation values from these files.
text file what I have
[56] "[1] \"values ""of the [57] "[1] \"e"xamples [58] "[1] \"dummy ""lines [59] "[1] \"testing" [60] "[1] \"Correlation Values\"" [61] "[1] \"Correlation between XXX and YYY: 0.7054 (0.0429)\"" [62] "[1] \"Correlation between XXX and ZZZ: 0.601 (0.0289)\"" [63] "[1] \"Correlation between YYY and ZZZ: 0.6434 (0.0306)\"" [64] "[1] \"Finished\"" [65] "[1] \"testing ""linne [66] "test" [67] "test "again
The matrix will look like
XXX YYY ZZZ XXX 1 0.7054 0.601 YYY 0.7054 1 0.6434 ZZZ 0.601 0.6434 1
I understand that there is some regex technique involved, but think its too advanced for a novice like me. I can get the lines what I want from the file using the following, but still not able to workout the way to extract those numbers and put in a matrix.
mm[grep("Correlation Values", mm, value = FALSE) + c(1:3)] ## m is the above file that I loaded.
To add the complexity to it the variables and number change in all files. Say this is the case of 4*4 matrix
[95] "[1] \"Correlation Values\"" [96] "[1] \"Correlation between XXX and YYY: 0.7054 (0.0429)\"" [97] "[1] \"Correlation between XXX and ZZZ: 0.601 (0.0289)\"" [98] "[1] \"Correlation between XXX and CCC: 0.0178 (0.0281)\"" [99] "[1] \"Correlation between YYY and ZZZ: 0.6434 (0.0306)\"" [100] "[1] \"Correlation between YYY and CCC: 0.0103 (0.0286)\"" [101] "[1] \"Correlation between ZZZ and CCC: 0.0174 (0.0202)\"" [102] "[1] \"Finished\""
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65777855/correlation-matrix-from-text-file January 18, 2021 at 11:53PM