
Check if character is in enum in C

Let`s say I need to read a character from the keyboard and then check if this character is valid (have some function) in the current menu part. So, if I am in firstMenu, search firstMenuKeys items, then if the character is found, call some function, otherwise throw this character. Maybe the Enum is not suitable for this purpose.

enum firstMenuKeys {        UP = 72,       DOWN = 80,      LEFT = 75,       RIGHT = 77,      ENTER = 101,        };    enum secondMenuKeys {        UP = 72,       DOWN = 80,      ENTER = 101,        };          int main() {          char c;      c = getch();              //check whether c is in firstMenuKeys      }  
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65837596/check-if-character-is-in-enum-in-c January 22, 2021 at 08:11AM

