
Can I compile Golang on Xeon Phi (Knight's Landing) processors?

So I'm a hobbyist who likes to run my own programs in Go, and as Xeon Phi processors become older they're also becoming extremely cheap. So cheap I can build a dual socket machine from 2015/16 for <$1000

I'm trying to find out if I can run Go programs on these. From what I've seen, this thread says they won't run (and to try gccgo), but it says it won't run because it partially runs on an x87 ISA. Confusingly, in Go release notes they say they're dropping x87 support in 1.16, implying it was supported in the past. I've seen in other threads that all programs will run on the compatibility layer, but that's an extremely slow layer which only has access to a small portion of the cpu's cache.

I feel like I'm moving farther and farther out of my element; I was wondering if someone who's used Xeon Phi knows if it will run Go code? Or just in general, after booting up Ubuntu (or FreeBSD, something that I've seen done and is listed in motherboard specs) what sort of things aren't going to work and what will?

I appreciate any and all help!

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65801806/can-i-compile-golang-on-xeon-phi-knights-landing-processors January 20, 2021 at 09:17AM

