I am doing a Discord bot, which idea would be rather simple. It asks the user for 3 numbers, and what should be done with them (add or remove). Currently the command works when you add them all as a single line (!calc add 1 1 1) and then prints the result (1 + 1 + 1 = 3). However i want to know how to set the bot ask the number inputs as 3 different questions, instead of needing to telling them all at once.
module.exports = { name: 'calc', description: "calculating", execute(message, args){ let method = args[0]; let firstNumber = Number(args[1]); let secondNumber = Number(args[2]); let thirdNumber = Number(args[3]); const operations = ['add', 'remove']; if(!method) return message.reply('please select add or remove'); if (!args[1]) return message.reply('please state first number'); if (!args[2]) return message.reply('please state second number'); if (!args[3]) return message.reply('please state third number'); if (isNaN(firstNumber)) return message.reply('number 1 missing'); if (isNaN(secondNumber)) return message.reply('number 2 missing'); if (isNaN(thirdNumber)) return message.reply('number 3 missing'); if (method === 'add') { let doMath = firstNumber + secondNumber + thirdNumber message.channel.send(`${firstNumber} + ${secondNumber} + ${thirdNumber} = ${doMath}`); if (method === 'remove') { let doMath = firstNumber - secondNumber - thirdNumber message.channel.send(`${firstNumber} - ${secondNumber} - ${thirdNumber} = ${doMath}`); } } } }
To show what happens in Discord itself: calculation process add
Im myself new to coding, so things like this give me problems. Thanks already for answers.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65895489/calculator-wait-for-user-input-discord-js January 26, 2021 at 11:24AM