
Average Number of items per date with google sheets and google data studio

Something broke and now I can't find the average number of new users per day. I have a google sheet with new members (we are a community) and each member has a join date. I want to find the average number of members who join per date and then I report on this in a google data studio report. I'm drawing a blank here and it is driving me batty. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

For example, a column with dates like this

It would be a column, with dates in it.. like

12/5/2020  12/6/2020  12/7/2020  12/7/2020  12/7/2020  12/7/2020  12/7/2020  12/7/2020  12/8/2020  12/8/2020  12/8/2020  12/8/2020  12/8/2020  12/8/2020  12/9/2020  

I just want to count the dates and get an average. heck, I had this working and something broke and it is broken. weird.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65535624/average-number-of-items-per-date-with-google-sheets-and-google-data-studio January 02, 2021 at 10:48AM

