I have created a custom form control but whenever the value changes, it does not mark the form dirty. I don't understand what should be done.
This is the code of my custom component :
import { ThrowStmt } from '@angular/compiler'; import { Component, forwardRef, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { ControlValueAccessor, FormControl, NG_VALIDATORS, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR } from '@angular/forms'; import { EventEmitter } from 'events'; @Component({ selector: 'app-multiple-checkbox', templateUrl: './multiple-checkbox.component.html', styleUrls: ['./multiple-checkbox.component.scss'], providers: [ { provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: forwardRef(() => MultipleCheckboxComponent), multi: true }, { provide: NG_VALIDATORS, useExisting: forwardRef(() => MultipleCheckboxComponent), multi: true }] }) export class MultipleCheckboxComponent implements OnInit, ControlValueAccessor { value = []; disabled = false; @Input() public options: { key, value }[]; @Output() haschanged = new EventEmitter(); onChange: any = (key) => { this.haschanged.emit(key, this.value); } onTouched: any = () => { }; constructor() { } validate({ value }: FormControl) { const isNotValid = this.value.length === 0; return isNotValid && { invalid: true }; } ngOnInit(): void { } evaluate(event, key): void { if (event.target.checked) { this.value.push(key); } else { this.value.splice(this.value.findIndex(i => key === i), 1); } this.onTouched(this.value); this.onChange(key, this.value); } isChecked(key): boolean { return this.value.findIndex(e => e === key) > -1; } writeValue(value: any): void { this.value = value; } registerOnChange(fn: any): void { this.onChange = fn; } registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { this.onChange = fn; } setDisabledState?(isDisabled: boolean): void { this.disabled = isDisabled; } }
The view is the following one :
<div *ngFor="let option of options"> <label [attr.for]="option.key"></label> <input [id]="option.key" type="checkbox" [checked]="isChecked(option.key)" [disabled]="disabled" (change)="evaluate($event, option.key)"> </div>
What is missing to make the form dirty ?
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65767159/angular-custom-form-control-never-make-my-form-dirty January 18, 2021 at 07:44AM