
Which Pattern Matching Algorithm fits for my case?

I have a project which it needs to compare to text documents and find the similarity rate between every single sentence and the general similarities of the texts. I did some transforming on texts like lowering all words,deleting duplicate words,deleting punctuations except fullstops. After doing some operations, i had 2 arraylists which include sentences and the words all seperated. It looks like


Then i sorted every sentence alphabetically.After all these, i'm comparing all the words one by one,doing linear search but if the word which i'm searching is bigger than i'm looking (ASCII of first character like world > burger) ,i'm not looking remaining part,jumping other word. It seems like complicated but i need an answer of " Is there any faster,efficient common algorithms like Boyer Moore,Hashing or other?" . I'm not asking any code peace but i need some theorical advices.Thank you.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65385773/which-pattern-matching-algorithm-fits-for-my-case December 21, 2020 at 07:18AM

