
Unrar the files with the name of the rar files

I have folder with 4 rar (zipped) files.

screenshot #1: rar files and names

This is the python code to unrar them:

#!/usr/bin/python  import os, zipfile, pyunpack, sys  import tkinter as tk  from tkinter import filedialog  from tkinter.filedialog import askdirectory    root = tk.Tk()  root.withdraw()    basis_folder = askdirectory(title='Select Folder')        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(basis_folder):      for filename in files:          if filename.endswith(".rar") :              print('RAR:'+os.path.join(root,filename))          elif filename.endswith(".zip"):              print('ZIP:'+os.path.join(root,filename))          name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]          if filename.endswith(".rar") or filename.endswith(".zip"):              try:                  arch = pyunpack.Archive(os.path.join(root,filename))                  # os.mkdir(name)                  arch.extractall(directory=root)                  os.remove(os.path.join(root,filename))              except Exception as e:                  print("ERROR: BAD ARCHIVE "+os.path.join(root,filename))                  print(e)                  try:                      # os.path.join(root,filename)os.remove(filename)                      pass                  except OSError as e: # this would be "except OSError, e:" before Python 2.6                      if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # errno.ENOENT = no such file or directory                          raise # re-raise exception if a different error occured                      sys.exit()  os._exit(0)  

After unrar process, the code deletes the rar files and extract the files inside rar files. I want the rename of the files as file1 from rarfile1, file2 from rarfile1, file3 from rarfile1, file1 from rarfile2, so on...

This is the result I want:

[screenshot #2: unrar files and their new names]

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65444082/unrar-the-files-with-the-name-of-the-rar-files December 25, 2020 at 07:39AM

