
PHP 500 Error on $Post Any errors in my code?

I'm still learning code. I'm in college and have entered everything like my professor to the tee. His code is running through to his DB, but mine is throwing a PHP 500 error. Any help would be much appreciated. I don't think that it is a code error, but I was hoping another set of eyes or someone with more experience code see an issue I'm not able to spot. I have tried changes to some of my variables and both the form and the PHP connection commands.

 `             <head>          <title>Post Your Content</title>          <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css" />      </head>            <body>              <div class="header">                  <h1>Create Content for the Database!</h1>                  <p><i>If only the library of Alexandria was backed up to the cloud...</i></p>              </div>                    <div class="topnav">                  <a href="homePage.php">Home Page</a>                  <a href="createContent.php">Create Content</a>                  <a href="#">Link</a>                  <a href="#" style="float:right">Link</a>              </div>                    <form name="postcontent" method="post" action="InserttoDB.php">                   <p>Author:                  <input type="text" name="Author" id="Author"></p>                  <p>Title:                  <input type="text" name="Title" id="Title"></p>                  <p>Topics:                  <input type="text" name="Tags" id="Tags"></p>                  <p>Content:                  <input type="text" name="Content" id="Content"></p>                  <input type="submit">              </form>                    <div class="footer">                  <h2>I made this for school!</h2>              </div>      </body>                <?php            //Catch information      //Render data      //Connect to database      //Insert data into database            $Author = htmlspecialchars($_POST['Author']); //grab value      echo "DEBUG - Author is" . $Author;      $Title = htmlspecialchars($_POST['Title']); //grab value      echo "DEBUG - Title is" . $Title;      $Tags = htmlspecialchars($_POST['Tags']); //grab value      echo "DEBUG - Tags are" . $Tags;      $Content = htmlspecialchars($_POST['Content']); //grab value      echo "DEBUG - Content is" . $Content;            //Database            $servername = "localhost:8889";      $username = "root";      $password = "root";      $dbname = "cms system";            $mysqli = new mysqli(          $db_host,          $db_user,          $db_password,          $db_db,      );                  //create connection      $connection = new mysqli ($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);            //check connection      if($connection->connect_error) {          die("Connection Failed: " . $connection->connect_error)      }            //INSERT INTO `content` (`PostID`, `Author:`, `Title:`, `Tags:`, `Content:`) VALUES ('test', 'test', 'test', 'test');            $sql = "INSERT INTO content(Author, Title, Tags, Content) VALUES ('$Author', '$Title', '$Tags', '$Content')";            //Run SQL            if(mysqli_query($connection, $sql)) {          echo "New Post Created!";      }            //Error MSG            else {          echo "Error: " . $sql . "" . mysqli_error($connection);      }            //Close DB Connection            $connection->close();          ?>  

This is a screen shot of my database and the table for more information. Php is 7.4.1 and I am using MAMP. I am using visual studio to write. The browser is chrome.

php database screenshot

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65387488/php-500-error-on-post-any-errors-in-my-code December 21, 2020 at 12:16PM

