
Is it possible to share image in Shared Image Gallery accross tenant and subscription?

I have Azure AD 1 and Subcription 1 where shared image gallery is being hosted. I also have Azure AD 2 and Subscription 2 where I'd like to create VM from shared image gallery version. I gave user 1 in Azure AD 2 reader permission to Shared Image gallery which works fine and that user 1 can see all images in shared image gallery. Question is how do I create VM from image since the only option user 1 sees in subscription is Subscription 1 since it's logged to Azure AD 1. How do I deploy that image to Subscription 2?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65432325/is-it-possible-to-share-image-in-shared-image-gallery-accross-tenant-and-subscri December 24, 2020 at 07:49AM

