Before marking this as a duplicate of "Can't call slot or Q_INVOKABLE from QML in subclass of QQmlPropertyMap," please read the final response (
I am working on a design where I have a class (call it MyBaseClass
) that inherits from QQmlPropertyMap. It implements some additional behaviors for my system which are then used by other classes that inerit from MyBaseClass
(e.g. ChildClass
From QML, (QtQuick), I wish to invoke a slot (mySlot()
) of ChildClass
. When I try, I get the following issues in the Application Output (mentioning MyBaseClass
) even though I am only using ChildClass
qrc:/main.qml:17: TypeError: Property 'mySlot' of object MyBaseClass(0x55f88ef86b50) is not a function qrc:/main.qml:24: TypeError: Property 'mySlot' of object MyBaseClass(0x55f88ef86b50) is not a function
I also tried implementing sending signals from QML, but I get a similar issue trying to bind to the QML emitted signals. (I am not adding that example.)
For those suggesting I just inherit QQmlPropertyMap into ChildClass (in addition to MyBaseClass to which it already has the proper inheritance and intialization via the protected method), the result is not pretty:
/home/jwerner/Projects/InheritanceTest-simple/ChildClass.h:8: warning: direct base 'QQmlPropertyMap' is inaccessible due to ambiguity: class ChildClass -> class MyBaseClass -> class QQmlPropertyMap class ChildClass -> class QQmlPropertyMap
My "gut" says that the problem is I am not doing things the "Qt Way," but I can't figure out what it is.
Here is the minimum example code of the problem to demonstrate the problem. (I'm leaving out the .pro file since it is trivial to make.)
#include <QQmlPropertyMap> class MyBaseClass : public QQmlPropertyMap { Q_OBJECT public: explicit MyBaseClass(QObject *parent = nullptr) : QQmlPropertyMap(this, parent) {} };
#include "MyBaseClass.h" #include <QObject> #include <QDebug> class ChildClass : public MyBaseClass { Q_OBJECT public: ChildClass(QObject *parent = nullptr) : MyBaseClass(parent) {} public slots: void mySlot() { qDebug() << "This is mySlot"; }; };
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 Window { id: theMainWindow width: 640 height: 480 visible: true title: qsTr("Hello World") property QtObject cData: childData; onCDataChanged: { childData.mySlot(); } Timer { // wait a bit before calling repeat: false interval: 2000 running: true onTriggered: childData.mySlot(); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling);