
How to use a passed variable in an ejs file

SO i am trying to change the value of an html tag in an ejs file to a variable i declared in a JavaScript file

let checkbox = document.querySelector('input[name="plan"]');    checkbox.addEventListener('change', function () {      if (this.checked) {          document.querySelector('.plan-title').innerHTML = investment.name;          document.querySelector('.plan-description').innerHTML = investment.description;      }      else {          document.querySelector('.plan-title').innerHTML = '';          document.querySelector('.plan-description').innerHTML = '';      }  });  

So when I pass it directly it shows but I want it to be dynamic and Although it gets pass through when i click the checkbox it doesn't seem to have any value.

<%- include('../partials/sidebar'); %>      <% if(currentUser && currentUser.isAdmin){ %>          <a href="/investment/new">Add New Plan</a>          <% } %>              <div class="container">                  <h1>Investments</h1>                    <% investments.forEach((investment)=>{ %>                      <div class="col-md-4">                          <div class="card">                              <strong>                                  <%= investment.name %>                              </strong>                              <h4>                                  <%= investment.min %> - <%=investment.max %>                              </h4>                              <p>                                  <%= investment.caption %>                              </p>                              <p><input type="checkbox" name="plan" id="">Choose investment</p>                          </div>                          <% if(currentUser && currentUser.isAdmin){ %>                              <a href="/investment/<%= investment._id %>/edit">Edit</a>                              <a href="/investment/new">Delete</a>                              <% } %>                        </div>                        <% }) %>                            <% investments.forEach((investment)=>{ %>                              <div class="">                                  <div><strong>Package: </strong>                                      <p class="plan-title">                                      </p>                                  </div>                                  <p class="plan-description">                                    </p>                                  <input type="number" name="" id="" min="<%= investment.min %>"                                      max="<%= investment.max %>">                              </div>                                  <% }) %>                  </div>                <%- include('../partials/footer'); %>  

I cant seem to get through this, need help thanks!

from Recent Questions - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65376944/how-to-use-a-passed-variable-in-an-ejs-file simon

