I am looking for a way to split a string with white spaces (this includes spaces, \n, \t) by a target phrase that has its white spaces removed. This should be able to be done for both before and after the target phrase. It is also necessary that I keep the original string with its white spaces.
As there can be n-th occurrence of the target phrase, I am only looking to split by the first occurrence and getting the characters before it, and split by the last occurrence and getting the characters after it.
For example:
str = 'This is a test string for my test string example only.' target_phrase = 'teststring'
Intended output:
('This is a', 'test string for my test string example only.) #Split by target phrase and getting characters prior to it ('This is a test string for my test string', 'example only.') #Split by target phrase and getting characters after it
emphasized text
Any hints gratefully received.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65433672/how-to-split-a-string-by-a-substring-without-white-spaces-while-keeping-its-ori December 24, 2020 at 11:39AM