
How do I get a gltfpack-processed model to appear in A-Frame?

I compressed my models and textures with gltfpack and now they are invisible in A-Frame 1.1.0. In gltfpack, I used -tc to convert the texture files to BasisU and left everything else as is. When I loaded them in A-Frame, the models aren't there. Interestingly, the models work in Don McCurdy's viewer. Update: there is a relevant Javascript console message

THREE.GLTFLoader: setKTX2Loader must be called before loading KTX2 textures.

So it appears I'm misusing Three.js.

Here is a bare Glitch showing the issue. There should be two models visible in the scene but only the unprocessed one is there. Anyone know I could fix it?

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65367877/how-do-i-get-a-gltfpack-processed-model-to-appear-in-a-frame December 19, 2020 at 04:08PM

