I have created a VPC peering between 2 AWS accounts. One VPC for account A is in us-east-1 and second VPC for account B is in us-west-2.
The peering connection is active and is working fine!
I need to now add it in my terraform code for both Accounts terraform codes.
I have adding it in ACCOUNT B first right now! This is what I have done till yet:
# VPC peering connection # # (3) # ########################## resource "aws_vpc_peering_connection" "this_3" { count = var.create_peering_3 ? 1 : 0 peer_owner_id = var.peer_account_id_3 peer_vpc_id = var.vpc_peer_id_3 vpc_id = module.vpc-us-west-2.vpc_id auto_accept = var.auto_accept_peering_3 }
and these are the variables:
########################## # VPC peering connection # # (3) # ########################## variable "peer_account_id_3" { description = "AWS owner account ID" default = "**account*A**" } variable "vpc_peer_id_3" { description = "Peer VPC ID" default = "vpc-029***" } variable "peer_cidr_block_3" { description = "Peer VPC CIDR block" default = "" } variable "auto_accept_peering_3" { description = "Auto accept peering connection" default = true } variable "create_peering_3" { description = "Create peering connection, 0 to not create" default = true type = bool } variable "this_vpc_id_3" { description = "This VPC ID" default = "vpc-0e2**" } variable "private_route_table_ids_3" { type = list(string) description = "A list of private route tables" default = ["rtb-0**, rtb-04**"] } variable "public_route_table_ids_3" { type = list(string) description = "A list of public route tables" default = ["rtb-0f**"] } variable "peering_id_3" { description = "Provide already existing peering connection id" default = "pcx-0878***" }
Now when I run tf plan it is creating it.. which I do not want it to do, as it is already made!
I want to see no changes in my plan!
I have also tried using the tf import command:
terraform import aws_vpc_peering_connection.this_3 pcx-0878******
but it gives me this error:
Error: Cannot import non-existent remote object While attempting to import an existing object to aws_vpc_peering_connection.this_3, the provider detected that no object exists with the given id. Only pre-existing objects can be imported; check that the id is correct and that it is associated with the provider's configured region or endpoint, or use "terraform apply" to create a new remote object for this resource.
- I do not know how to fix this