
Cannot write/read string separated by coma into a file

I'm trying to write a set of parameters of a structure into a file, and then read it in the program. The structure has a int type variable and a string type variable(this string is separated by space). I've successfully written and then read the integer part of the structure, but when i try to do the same for the string, the program crashes. I think it has something to do with my the fprintf statement, and trying to read a string separated by space.

#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <locale.h>    int main(void) {  // creating a FILE variable  FILE *fptr;    // integer variable  int i = 0;  char n[50];    // character variable  struct cliente {  char  nome[50];  int   nif;  };  struct cliente client[0];      // open the file in write mode  fptr = fopen("student", "w");    if (fptr != NULL) {    printf("File created successfully!\n");  }  else {    printf("Failed to create the file.\n");    // exit status for OS that an error occured    return -1;  }    // get student detail  printf("Enter student name: ");  scanf(" %[^\t\n]c", client[1].nome);  printf("Enter student ID: ");  scanf("%d", &client[1].nif);  // write data in file  fprintf(fptr, "%d %s", client[1].nif, &client[1].nome);    // close connection  fclose(fptr);    // open file for reading  fptr = fopen("student", "r");    // display detail  printf("\Ficheiro:\n");  fscanf(fptr, "%d %s", &i, n);  printf("ID: %d\n", i);  printf(" %s", n);    // close connection  fclose(fptr);    return 0;  


https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65402349/cannot-write-read-string-separated-by-coma-into-a-file December 22, 2020 at 09:59AM

