So basically, I'm currently modelling a 1-1-1 multilevel mediation from bauer et al., (2006). That is, it is a stacked mediation model, meaning that the mediation and outcome equation are stacked into each other.
In the first parenthesis lies the mediator equation and in the second one, the outcome equation. The S_Mij and SY_ij variables are specification variables. That is when Z is equal to the mediator then S_Mij is equal to 1, and the equation becomes . The same thing happens when S_Yij = 1. I'm modelling this equation in R using nlme:
"Stacked_Model_F <- lme(Z ~ 0 + Sm + Smx + Sy + Sym + Syx, data = data_stacked2 , random = ~0 + Sm + Smx + Sy + Sym + Syx | id, weights = varIdent(form = ~1 | variable))"
I'm interested in obtaining the sampling variance of the covariance of the random effects Smx and Sym. For that, however, I think I need the asymptotic covariance matrix of the random effects of the model. That is, I think I might need the function "asyCov", but I'm not sure how to interpret the output. Please let me know if I'm unclear. Thanks December 20, 2020 at 04:20AM